Does anyone truly know where this whole pinch-the-person-who-absentmindely-forgot-to-wear-green-on St. Patrick’s Day-thing started…I mean really?  Or is it simply one of those holiday traditions that despite knowing any sense of true origin or have any intelligible reasons as to why it should continue, the pinching persists…and so do the welts on my arm (I have genuine feelings of regret in teaching my little peeps this snippet of the St. Patty’s day traditions…my poor arms just can’t take the madness anymore).

Despite the continued tradition, there will be no pinching this adorable family that’s for certain…they’re quite pinch proof!

Photo shoots can be rather quiet with all that smiling-tell-your-mouth-hurts going on…so I’m pretty sure I’ll be bringing these two ladies in tow to all succeeding sessions.  They single handling serenaded us to Frozen…quite perfectly I might add, they didn’t miss a beat or lyric (let’s just say that if I wasn’t tone deaf or afraid of scaring away my clients…I’d be singing away too)!  All the while sitting there with their golden locks and flashing those ironic baby green eyes rather naturally.

This stud of a dude was just that…a stud.  Seriously how is it possible they all have such incredible green eyes?!

Thanks Jenny and Jeff for letting me work with you’re pinch proof family, I loved it!